Photography : Canary Islands

François Boudrias | 03 November, 2022

            Teide Volcan Tenerife

In the taxi when I arrived in Tenerife, I was glad that I had brought my camera. I understood that my stay was going to be loaded with stunning views.

The geological formation of the island, in plateaus, means that the scenery changes quickly and its elements contrasts with each other. The ocean, the volcanoes, the greenery of the banana trees, the clouds that monopolize the land at altitude.

While accompanying Cameleo on the islands of Tenerife and La Gomera, I had the privilege of navigating through these landscapes and capturing some photographs. Here are my favourites...

- François


Gran Melia Palacio de Isora


Gran Melia Palacio de Isora - Vue


Gran Melia Palacio de Isora
Gran Melia Tenerife

Teide volcan

Teide Volcan

Collation au parador nacional del Teide

Pilot whale Tenerife

Los Gigantes

Ile La Gomera

Ile de la Gomera

Sous les bananiers

Gran Melia Palacio de Isora


Photographs and text / Any reproduction is prohibited
Photographs (Tenerife and La Gomera) : © François Boudrias 2022
Photograph (Signature Evening) : Marjorie González
Any unauthorized reproduction or use of photos and/or text is prohibited.